ProximaX Blockchain reimagined and evolved

"We are excited to announce a crucial software upgrade for our Sirius Chain network, scheduled for January 3rd. This upgrade is designed to enhance performance, security, and overall efficiency of the network.

Key Features of the Upgrade:
1. Weighted Voting consensus
2. Dynamic Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (DBRB)
3. Storage plugins
4. Streaming plugins

Sda meaning:

Sirius Digital Assets (SDAs): Any user can create new types of SDAs, whether to power the internal economy of a decentralized application (DApp), represent digital security (security token), or an object which is fungible or non-fungible, such as a non-fungible token (NFT).

External: ● Fiat and other cryptocurrencies: Programmers can integrate any payment gateway, e.g., swapping XPX or SDAs into other networks and back.

With dbrb programmers can integrate any payment gateway"

  1. ProximaX (coin: XPX)

  2. MetaXar (token: METX)



“Lon Wong made interoperability with Symbol one of his priority since he still has this “link” with the NEM community since the beginning.
Proximax already merged his code with Symbol that makes easier to, for exemle, transfer a game made on Symbol to Sirius Chain and so MetaXar.”



"One of the most outstanding features of the Sirius Chain is the Sirius Digital Asset, SDA. It is like Jettons or ERC-20, but they need smart contracts to create. Our solution is a smart contract within the blockchain so that creating it is an API/SDK call instead. Hence it is far more superior. We have also made and designed it so that one can create an NFT with the same API/SDK call. It is a highly flexible built in solution.

We hold the record of being the first blockchain in the world to power a
mobile fiat payment wallet that has AML and does not store your private key
in the system and yet allow you to recover your fiat money, like any other
fiat mobile wallet.
A decentralised technology in a centralised controlled environment.

We also won the global CBDC challenge organised by BIS and Bank Indonesia

where we beat fortune 500, RIpple, Stellar, R3, ANZ bank including

Mastercard and FIS to the game."

Tässä on kyllä jäätävä potentiaali, luokkaa NEM vuonna 2017.




TikTok kanavalla videoita mm. mobiililompakosta.


Vielä olisi muutama päivä jäljellä…


Jos ei ole koodaaja, niin mitä iloa Proximaxista on …

jos ei uskalla sijoittaakaan :wink:
, kun on pudonnut -85%

Update details on the Sirius Chain Network Software Upgrade
Upgrade Details:
• Date: 4th Jan 2024
• Time: 14.20 UTC
• Block Height: 8,719,006


Vastasitko nyt vähän niinkuin omaan kysymykseesi?

en …
vaikka XPX nyt on viikossa +75 %, niin siinä on silti sijoittajalla se ajoittamisen ongelma. Oliko nousupiikki tässä… Nyt ollaan samalla tasolla kuin vuosi sitten.

Lon Wongin projekteissa hiipuminen on todennäköisemmin sitä tulevaisuutta kuin lentoon lähtö. Vrt. NEM, Symbol.

Sama skenaario koskee kaikkia projekteja, vai mitä :grin:

kyllä …
ja toki jenkki-tyyliin ajatellen projektinvetäjä on hyvä vasta kun sillä on pari konkkaa takana.

Mutta seisotko ite vielä paitas sisällä? :wink: NEM?

Tai miltä vaikuttaa bittiraha-projekti kun ei täällä ole juuri muita kuin me :expressionless:

Kuten tuolla ylempänäkin taitaa lukea, niin yksi henkilö (on niitä tietysti muitakin) sössi mielestäni koko projektin. Aiheeseen ei voi mitenkään vaikuttaa. GitHubin mukaan siellä kyllä koodataan. Pääkoodari ei ole oikein markkinamiehiä, vaikka onkin muutoin alan huippu. Vaikea sanoa, että pönkäiseekö se sieltä :man_shrugging:

Rauhallista…siihen taitaa olla omat syynsä…

Mihin viittaat?

Milloin muuten täällä oli vilkkainta? 2013 ?

Olen lukenut uutisia :upside_down_face: Tulin tänne vähän myöhemmin, joten en osaa arvailla. Bitcointalk on myös aika kuollut. Discord on näin vanhalle pierulle jotenkin lapsellinen. Telegram tuntuu järkevimmältä paikalta. Ei kukaan nykyään jaksa viestiä sähköpostilla, tai foorumeilla, kun on niin kiire seuraavaan kiireeseen.


en ole tätä juuri päivittänyt, mutta voin copy-paste laittaa käytyä keskustelua.

ALL IN! Kuten aiemminkin.

Lon Wong CEO

"As for GiteX, what you read above on the news:

“The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI) is displaying an exciting line-up of innovative technologies and high-tech initiatives at GITEX GLOBAL 2024.”

basically says that one of the driving “innovative technologies and high-tech” is done by us. It is part of their overall grand initiative.

We are involved in their housing processes, application for housing, and loan records, Metaverse, Energy Carbon education and gamification, licensing, NFT issuance and marketplace and integration with their Digital ID.

Our solution is part of their “Digital Twinning” initiative.

We hope to do more in the near future,"

"BTW, SuperContract is also progressing well and is shown to be working on our VMs. What’s next is the reward side of things that need to be incorporated into the blockchain.

Like storage, it took us a while to get the rewards going as part of the solution. Integrating with the blockchain has been a nightmare and a long and winding road. It provided so many problems to our blockchain. But it is good to know that we survived, but not without some bad scars on our back."

"Do note, we don’t use EVMs. We have our own VMs and the programming language for our Supercontract is in Rust.

So, there is no need to learn some funny language.

I remember in the early days of Ethereum, they had a few versions of Smart Contract programming and I remember Vitalik was pushing his. I think his version was put to rest and became history. Now, as we know it, it is Solidity."

"Rust programming gives us more flexibility. If you know how to program, it should be easy to pick up.

The good thing about our SuperContract is that like any other application programs, it allows for on and off chain programming.

In other words, it is very powerful. Imagine programming on the SuperContract to read something from Eth or BSC or Solana chains and acting on it in our Supercontract.

It therefore requires no oracles per se. You program your own oracle feed within.

Off Chain application development within SuperContract is very power. World is your oyster!

Our solution is therefore breaking from the ranks on the traditional variants of Ethereum that you find in the market."

“One of the biggest challenges of Smart Contracts in general is to sign a transaction for an account, onchain. Private keys cannot be exposed. So how do we do it? In our case, we also have this problem. But I think the solution to this is that this will have to be some hybrid, like storing and executing an obfuscated function in our storage to sign. We are exploring this solution. If anyone has any better suggestion, we are all ears.”

"Do note that technically there is no difference between a private chain and a public.

The difference between them is that one needs to run with harvesting and the other does not.

But the good news is, there is no difference, which means that one can transact between the two chains using SuperContract.

Likewise, our brethren across the road can use our SuperContract to run their Symbol transactions seamlessly.

Just pay some gas fees our way and it will run like it is their Smart Contract.:blush:"

"I have been working on a lot of fronts.

@OlegTsybizov has been leading the charge all these 3 years to complete the core work. He has been of great help despite the fact that his country has been affected by the war and he was disrupted for a few months.

Kudos to him really. He is da man!!"

Mr. Oizo

“Just because all prices are currently rising doesn’t mean it’s all over next week. I think this run will last longer and be more intense than we can currently imagine. Now for the facts: Storage is already on mainnet. There may be many here who haven’t had the chance to test it yet and are therefore skeptical if this is really true. I can say it’s true because I have tested it. Granted, the Storage tool is not ready for mass use yet, but it is currently being worked on and will be made available to everyone to use and develop further on GitHub. We have the Super Contracts (smart contracts on steroids) close to completion and launch. Siriuschain is involved in the implementation, digitization and blockchainization of official processes including the NFT market (which can and probably will be used on the public chain as well), as well as housing processes, housing applications and loan documents, metaverse, Energy Carbon education and gamification, licensing, NFT issuance and marketplace and integration with their digital ID in the UAE. MetaXar, the ultimate gaming platform where players and game developers can interact on an unprecedented scale and create new digital assets, is also in the final stages of development. This is also just part of the Siriuschain’s capabilities. In fact, it is more powerful than many other currently hyped projects. There is just one problem: the world doesn’t know it yet. At this point, I also hope that Lon is currently putting together a nice little package, wrapping it up well, adding nice bows, and then presenting the Siriuschain to the world. We may not be joining the party yet, but our time will come, I am convinced of that. …and it certainly won’t be long. Don’t forget: Lon has been in the crypto space longer than Ethereum is old. He has already led a project to success and knows exactly what it takes.”