Svenska / ruotsi / swedish

Finns det några planer på en svensk underavdelning här på forumet? Det finns ju en del finländare som talar svenska som modersmål, så jag tänker mig att de skulle ha god nytta av en svensk avdelning. Det kan också vara ett bra sätt att knyta kontakter med bitcoin-användare i Sverige. Jag är själv en vanlig svensk bosatt i Sverige, jag har egentligen inga band till Finland. Däremot gillar jag att åka till Finland på semester :slight_smile:

Are there any plans for a swedish sub-forum? I know there are quite a few native Swedish speaking people living in Finland. They might find a good use for a Swedish sub-forum. It could also be a good way to connect with Swedish bitcoin users. I’m a regular Swede living in Sweden, with no real ties to Finland. I like to go to Finland on vacation, though :slight_smile:

I think we could borrow the sub-forum model from There would be one Swedish section without any child boards. There are two official languages in Finland after all :wink:

There could also be an English sub-forum.

  1. Let’s setup all other language subforums here.
  2. Users will migrate from to here
  3. ???
  4. World domination

There is a new section at the forum now. It’s called “Other languages” and I added “Svenska” & “English” to start with. I think these sections could prove useful, our forum is starting to get big enough.