Ostan BTC 150 euro/kpl

Ostan BTC mielellä naamasta naama…kirjoita [email protected]

Jos jollekkin 100 euron kappalehinta on liikaa, voin tarjota 50 eur/kpl.

Voin maksaa kans 100e per Bitcoin mutta vain tositarkoituksella!

Mä voin maksaa 10000€ kunhan sillä saa vähintään 50 bitcoinia.

Minäkin voisin ostaa coineja satasen kappalehinnalla :smiley:

Minä olen prinssi Nigeriasta ja voin myydä sinulle bitcoineja 100€/kpl.

Mistä tuli mieleen tämä avunpyyntö nigeriasta:

DEAR Community,

My name is James Taylor the first Son of Charles Taylor, former President of Liberia. As you are aware if you listen to news on CNN or BBC, my father resigned and handed over power to Mr. Moses Blah having been given an automaton by America to leave office.

We have been granted Asylum in Nigeria, but which the Nigeria’s seem to be fighting against, and has created a lot of misunderstanding or civil disorder in Nigeria since the 11th of August 2010. Nigeria is in West Africa and close to my country Liberia, therefore there is no guarantee for security, hence my father sending me to South Africa to safeguard my life and that of my family. I came into South Africa with some money, which I have successfully deposited in Security Company, which would need your help to take this money out of Africa.

If you are interested and ready to help me, I will gladly give you 15% of the total sum of (300,000 ฿) Three hundred thousand bitcoins. Which is currently laying in the Security company here in Nigeria, for you effort and 5% can be set aside for any expenditure that may be incurred by you for saving me from the predicament while the 80% is for investment in your country. I simply require a deposit of 50 bitcoins to the address of 1B7hLrgymDzmQyS4c3pdFYwP9tbyE9qpVQ for transportation and processing fees.

I would like you to reply urgent as to enable me know where you stand as time is of essence.

Thank you and God bless.

Best Regards
James Taylor.

Eikö kannattavampaa olisi myydä prepaid-BTC-paperilompakoita vaikka torilla ja käydä sitten myöhemmin kokemassa nämä katiskat kun kerran privaattiavaimet olisivat sattumalta jääneet jonnekin levyn reunalle muistiin? Joo siis ihan ehdottomasti bitcoinien säilyttelyyn tarvitaan aina luotettavaa Nigerialaista pankkiiriliikettä. Nigeria on uusi Sveitsi.