Opetusta kryptovaluutasta

Nicosian yliopisto näyttää tarjoavan nettikurssina ilmaiseksi opetusta kryptovaluutasta. Kurssi alkaa 15. lokakuuta ja sen vetäjänä toimii Andreas Antonopoulos. Ihan mielenkiintoiselta vaikuttaa. Pitänee ilmottautua ja katsoa miten toi on toteutettu.

DFIN-511, Introduction to Digital Currencies is the first course in the MSc in Digital Currency program. It is offered as a free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that is available to anyone around the world interested in learning more about digital currencies.
Students who successfully complete the course and who are interested in pursuing the full MSc program will be able to receive credit if they successfully pass their assessment.
The MOOC covers both a technical overview of decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin as well as attempt to put them in a broader economic, legal and financial contex

kurssin nettisivut: http://digitalcurrency.unic.ac.cy/free-introductory-mooc