NEM toimii pian alustana 2 milj. käyttäjän online pankille

Vihdoin IOS-lompakko meni läpi Applen suodattimesta ja (D&B DUNS).
Kieli vaihtuu automaattisesti puhelimen kielen mukaan. Olen kääntänyt
myös IOS:in käyttiksen, joten parannusehdotuksia otetaan nöyrästi vastaan.
Muistakaa varmuuskopioida private key!!

Vaihto alkoi nyt myös Coinspotissa:

NEMzee-pelissä etsitään “Pokemon”-tyyppisesti QR-koodeja ja jos sinulla
on esim. mobiililompakko ladattuna, voit löytäessäsi koodin skannata itsellesi

Mielenkiintoisia aikoja. Mikä lieneekään Catapultin vaikutus tähän asetelmaan…

Kahden uuden vaihtopalvelun kanssa neuvottelut menossa : )

Mielenkiintoinen kommentti Telegramista kopioituna käyttäjältä Chhay Lem Lim:

NEM is Ethereum on steroids!

If Ethereum will reach 20 billion dollar market cap, NEM could reach 50 cents per XEM or 4,5 billion dollars in market cap.

I see an analogy between gold-silver and Ethereum-NEM. Both paired assets have very similar properties, but nevertheless are priced very differently. Ethereum is now significantly more expensive than NEM, just as gold is more expensive than silver. Gold is more popular than silver, as Ethereum is more popular than NEM. But if these assets gold-silver and Ethereum-Nem to increase in price, the lower valued assets will increase relatively more than the higher valued assets. In other words, if gold will increase a 100 percent in value, silver could increase 300 percent in value. And if Ethereum to increase a 100 percent value to 10 billion dollars in market cap, NEM could easily increase 300 percent to 1,1 billion in market cap. Making the price of NEM 12 cents. I think NEM should be aiming much and much higher than 12 cents as NEM and Ethereum both will play an important role in the future economy. I would not be surprised if NEM will reach 1 dollar per XEM in the near future because of these reasons.

  1. NEM offers enormous value for our future ‘new’ economy. It utilizes the blockchain to cut off intermediaries and middle-man, making our interactions and contract trustless, and so making our societies more effective.

  2. Even though with NEM you can’t create all the apps like Ethereum can, it can still create a huge diversity of apps. NEM’s API is more developers friendly, and easier to develop on than Ethereum. Certain Dapps could be more easily created on NEM than on Ethereum as the developers were very considerate when choosing the code for NEM. According to NEM’s core developer, NEM is 10x better than Bitcoin. But it is difficult to say NEM is 10x better than Ethereum as they are somewhat different. But nevertheless, overall he still thinks NEM is better than Ethereum.

  3. NEM is created to be a currency. Ethereum is created to be used as gass for its dapps. NEM has the potential to become widely adopted very soon.

  4. NEM is made to be scalable. Unlike Ethereum and Bitcoin.

So, when again considering these three traits of NEM, I think if everything will go right, NEM should even outperform Ethereum. With caution, I would speculate that NEM could even become the first currency to reach a 100 billion dollar market cap.

This is my view on NEM.

Entä ISO:n jutun vaikutus? Oliko ISO:sta tietoa milloin saamme tietää siitä lisää?

Catapultin vaikutus tulisi olemaan paljon kauniimpi jos hinta kerkeäisi nousta 10000 satoshiin siihen mennessä :slight_smile:

Tarkka päivämäärä ei ole ainakaan minulla tiedossa. Vähän kiirettä vaihtopalvelujen kanssa…

Yli 5c… tsä-dä-bum

NEMstaken hinta vastaa nyt 3 kg kultaa…Jossakin
tuolla ketjun alkupäässä kehoitin ostamaan, kun hinta oli vielä 30 sat.
Mikään ei ole muuttunut, tekniset ratkaisut ja hinta tulee kehittymään varsinkin nyt, kun markkinointi tuli suoritettua nousun myötä suuremman yleisön tietoisuuteen.
Kryptovaluuttojen markkinat kasvavat, Poloniexissä on helposti 20.000 yhtäaikaista käyttäjää.

Uusia käyttösovelluksia…

Bitcointalkista poimittua:

Xarcade is a NEM powered video game distribution/exchange platform for both game publishers and gamers to use and is a more direct alternative to the other app stores. The video games on the Xarcade platform will all have NEM wallets built-in whereby the gamers can exchange XEM for the in-game tokens and vice versa.
What makes Xarcade unique is that the gamers using Xarcade will be able to exchange the XEM they make for real money. Thus, Xarcade is providing games a fun and alternative way to make generate income.

The advantages that a NEM powered blockchain video game distribution/exchange platform brings:

Below is a YouTube video of an indie game publisher called “Xhai Studios” that has signed up to Xarcade and has “NEMified” their endless runner mobile game known as “Send 'em to Hell.”

• It reduces the in-app fees for the game publishers by creating a direct exchange relationship with their users (the gamers).

• Gamers can now exchange in-game currencies both ways, which they are unable to do before.

• No need for a linked credit card for in-app purchases, so one has faster transferring.

• Some countries do not have the Google Wallet or the Apple Pay feature available – blockchain allows for this.

• Google and Apple each take 30% of the revenue from the game publishers – this does not happen on.

• Blockchaining video games creates a disintermediates the established “middle men (the app stores)” and creates a direct relationship between the game publisher and gamer.

• It allows the game publishers to rely less on generating revenue from advertisements, which annoy the gamers usually and to make more revenue from in-app purchases since Xarcade would take far less than 30%.

• Xarcade allows the gamer to make income because the in-game currencies of various games can be converted into XEM, which in turn can be converted to real fiat money.

• The blockchain API’s will allow games on the platform to interact directly with one another using “blockchain nodes,” which in-turn will make any third party middleware irrelevant.

How Xarcade Works:

• A game publisher and gamer both sign up to the platform in order to upload and manage their games.

• A gamer signs up to the platform in order become part of the gaming ecosystem whereby he/she can exchange cross-platform in-game tokens.

• A game publisher can directly distribute their games in a much more cost-effective way as well as removing the “middlemen” entirely.

• All platform transactions will be verified and processed using NEM blockchain technology in a safe and secure manner.

• Gamers will be able to make in-game purchases and be able to convert game points (tokens) into NEM’s cryptocurrency called, “XEM.”

• The XEM conversion not only incentivizes gamers to keep playing but also provides players with the opportunity to earn extra income by playing games.

• All games uploaded onto the platform will include a built-in “XEM wallet” with QR code functionality which will allow gamers to exchange XEM with fellow gamers.

• Gamers will able to convert their gaming points from XEM into Bitcoin or fiat currency.

• The XEM wallet will be available for download from the platform in order for the game publisher to integrate it into their games.
• NEM’s API will allow games on the platform to interact directly with one another using blockchain nodes, which in turn will make any third party middleware irrelevant.

Below are press releases regarding the Indie game publisher - Xhai Studios signing up to the Xarcade platform:

Lisäys 7.5.2017

Hi everyone!

I would like to present to you all the Proof of Concept/BETA “NEMified” mobile video game, “Send 'em to Hell.”

Please download the BETA version from Google Play from the link below to give it a try:

Please take note of two points:

o This is a BETA version, it is not the release version.

o It is running on the Test Net.

This NEM BETA game shows how hassle-free it is for a gamer to process a payment because of the built–in NEM wallet in the game, which uses XEM.

Compared to present methods - it is lightning fast for the gamer! No need for Google or Apple pay or credit cards. “NEMification” has expedited the whole gamer experience because payment for in-app purchases is integral.

Please tap on the NEM icon on the top left to open the NEM wallet. As you saw from a previous posted video we showed how two players can transfer XEM to each other.

Please tap on the “shopping cart” icon and then scroll down to see that you can purchase 10,000 diamonds (the Send 'em to Hell in-game currency) for 65 XEM.

This Proof of Concept highlights how super efficient indie developers such as Xhai Studios will find their games to be once it is uploaded onto the Xarcade video game distribution platform.

Xarcade is going to change the video game industry and what better entry point is there than showing to the world one of the first blockchained mobile games!!

Onko NEN-valuuutasta tehty tekninen dokumentointi?

toi kannattais ehkä korjata…

eiku jaa… se käännös oli muutenkin kesken.

Löytyyhän se:

Tein käännöstä jonkin verran talvella 2016 lentomatkojen aikana.Eräs Telegram-käyttäjä lähetti minulle spämmiä koko ajan ja onnistuin potkaisemaan itseni vahingossa käännöstyhmästä pois. Myöhemmin päätettiin ulkoistaa uusien sivujen tekeminen. (nykyiset ovat erään NEM-ryhmäläisen tekemät), joten ei ollut järkeä päivittää näitä nykyisiä loppuun asti.
Uudet sivut ovat siis tulossa : )

ICT spring