NEM toimii pian alustana 2 milj. käyttäjän online pankille

Aloittelevan kryptpharrastajan/sijoittajan opas:

No niin, tänään tuli ATH ja LiteBit XEM/EUR saadaan pienen voimistelun jälkeen tänään toivottavasti auki.

$0.021+, ei huono ollenkaan

Spekulointia : )



Distributed Lab:

Pidemmän aikavälin käppyrä näyttää hyvältä:

Xhai Studios- pikainen demo maksamisesta:

Hi everyone, Otto from Xhai Studios here.

Our partnership with NEM has enabled us to create the world’s first blockchain video game - “Send 'em to Hell.”

Thanks to NEM’s powerhouse of an engine we can start a “crypto-game” revolution in the video game industry.

As a video game developer we see “going XEM,” the way to go as it sets us apart from other developers out there and no doubt soon they will want to become “NEM blockchained,” just like us :blush:

Jeff (Jabo38) haastattelu:

Tätä projektia tullaan ajamaan NEM-lohkoketjussa.

Ks. etusivun video.

“EcoBit has a huge potential because the projects that EcoBit ventures in are mostly undervalued and present enormous potential growth in the first place. In EcoBit Phase 1 is a project involving a 30-year concession of 1-million acre tropical forest from a Malaysian State Government. It consists of a voluntary carbon credit trading in a REDD+ voluntary carbon credit in VCU, hence, buying EcoBit will have a recurring income for 30 years in the carbon market. It is an emerging market that is heavily invested by big companies like Allianz, Zurich Insurance, Microsoft, and etc. Besides returns from the Carbon Market, EcoBit Phase 2 projects consist of sustainable, green and clean projects, which will also bring potential for a long term basis. Two key projects currently targeted are the Spirulina Farm and the Aquaponics Farm. These will contribute in the green economy that is already an extremely trending market that people are focusing on these days. There are also referral bonuses offered for those who recommend EcoBit to other investors.”

NEMbid shopping portal avattu:

Seuraava vaihtopalvelu aukeaa muutaman viikon

edit (11.4.207) myös:

Reaaliaikainen pörssikauppa NEM-lohkoketjulla. Selviäähän sitten lopulta myös Catapult-projektin yksi päämääristä…

"Radicalizing the equity market landscape is a thought-provoking challenge to regulators and the equity market in adopting a paradigm shift in the way securities are being traded. It calls for a complete overhaul of the markets and introduces the use of a centralised multi-ledger system, yet operating in a decentralised blockchain network architecture.

The system and solution proposed in this 26-page paper calls for a complete dematerialisation of assets, using the NEM blockchain technology. It also calls for disintermediation and re-intermediation of the equity market ecosystem.

The equity market, and the securities industry at large, is an industry that uses a multitude of ledgers to keep record of all transactions. The key challenge that leads to its inefficiencies is the need to reconcile all of these transactions among all the ledgers, and eventually, the payment and settlement process.

The paper is an extension of a proven process that is being utilised by cryptocurrency exchanges. However, hitherto, it has not been applied to long standing traditional markets. The traditional markets are a multi-trillion dollar industry, and as the saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, there is increased pressure to improve on the settlement period of 3 days. The current scenario is too difficult to change without completely changing the processes.

This paper explains in depth how it can be taken to the extreme using the NEM blockchain technology. It further explains how high-frequency trades and volumes can be easily catered for, using the NEM technology.

The revolutionary approach includes taking broking firms, custodians, and share registrars out of the equation. CSDs role may have to change as well to include being the operator of the blockchain solution in addition to being a trustee of funds deposited.

LuxTag uutisia:

Ready…steady… vaihto alkoi ja lisäys näkyy pian CMC.ssä.

1 tykkäys

NEMChina Telegram-ryhmän terveiset Coincheckin implementoinnista ja kurssinoususta : )

Kiitos Kauppalahti! :smiley:

“Ilmoittelepa täällä kun tänään XEM:iin sijoittamani 200€ on kymmenkertaistanut arvonsa :slight_smile:


lompakko luottu :slight_smile: jos joku halua lahjoittaa niin tervetuloa :slight_smile:


Intialainen vaihtopalvelu
aloittaa XEM implementoimisen lähiviikkojen aikana.