Coinpool nurin!

Juu, saattaa olla että muut onkin jo varmasti huomanneet, että on nurin.
Aamupäivällä ajattelin katsastaa että miten paljon sinne jäi LTC:tä, mutta en saanut yhteyttä.
Nyt sain ja siellä lukee:


We are sorry to make announce like this, but at current situation CoinPool is down and future is still open.
What is going on and why is pool down?

Vital parts of CoinPool were hosted on hosting company. On June 12th all servers suddenly shut down. We tried to contact without success since their own servers were down too. For first couple of days we waited for them to get their shit together, thinking its probably networking problem. Now after a week it can be said for almost certain we got scammed. The hosting provider is still missing and other similair reports come from all over the internet.
What about our coins?

Unless Izserv comes back online or they can be found via other routes, there is no access to pool wallet. Wallet was backed up regularly but backups are behind same hosting company. Still, we promise to keep trying to get all funds back.
Is there a future for CoinPool?

This in under hard consideration will the pool be revived or not. If it will, it will never again be hosted with too much trust. One thing to consider is payment method too. Will it be PPLNS, PPS, P2Pool and could the payments made directly to miners own wallets. So much to think about but be sure, we will let you know.

- CoinPool staff

Tosiaan, tuurilla tuossa ollaan purjehdittu. Mainitaan että ei enää luoteta kehenkään.
En nyt kutsuisi tuota “luottamiseksi” tai “sinisilmäisyydeksi”, lievemmillään ajattelemattomuudeksi. Ammattilaisilta totaaliseksi epä-pätevyydeksi tai

Noh, itseltäni meni tuossa vain karvan yli 20LTC:tä. Harmittaahan se silti.