Brave Users Get Rewarded to Browse

Brave launches $500,000 BAT giveaway per month for browser users,
alongside monthly payments to Brave Publishers

Today, we are starting a monthly giveaway of about 500,000 USD in promotional Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) to Brave desktop browser users on a first come, first serve basis. The new BAT grant program gives users approximately 5 USD in promotional BAT. The grants, which must be used for the benefit of content creators within 90 days, come from the User Growth Pool (UGP), a fund of 300 million tokens set up to give users and publishers an incentive to join the BAT platform.

Users can claim the grants via a notification they will receive or by checking the status of the integrated Payments settings or preferences panel in the latest Brave browser (version 0.22.727). The grants can be used to support users’ favorite sites, YouTube channels, and Twitch streamers.

Brave currently has 2.7 million monthly active users. With regular BAT grants that reward them for browsing with Brave, we expect more people to adopt the Brave browser as they see the benefits of its speed, privacy, and integrated wallet capable of supporting content creators.

Over 16,000 creators (including YouTube and Twitch accounts) have joined the Brave Publishers program. The over 11,000 YouTube channels together have in excess of 200 million subscribers. Monthly BAT payments to creators come from two sources: user donations and the creator referral program.

Brave users donate to creators with BAT they purchase and load into Brave Payments, or that are gifted to them from BAT grants. Previously, $1M equivalent in BAT was allocated to creators from BAT originally gifted from the UGP in January 2018 to Brave users.

There are also over 7,700 creators currently participating in the ongoing Brave referral program, earning approximately $5 in tokens for each user they bring to the Brave browser. We recently distributed the first part of the referral program directly to online publishers and content creators, as part of our monthly transfer of earned BAT. If you are a creator who participates in this referral program, you can check your Brave Payments balance and collect your BAT today. If you are not currently enrolled, you can still join as BAT awards are still available.

We instituted fraud-prevention measures as we have expanded BAT rewards. For the past 6 months, as we increased user growth pool grants, we applied activity detection models to uncover suspicious activities. Early development involved human review, which eventually got codified. This enabled us to identify fraudulent accounts before making settlements. Regarding suspicious account owners who had reached out to our community support and publisher support teams to dispute findings, we engaged with them and were able to determine if they had legitimate claims. As we start automating our monthly grant and settlement processes, we are scaling those findings and will be able to automatically suspend accounts with suspicious activities. Owners of such accounts can still reach us to discuss conclusions via our support email.

We have also improved the Brave Payments process for creators by working with our partner Uphold to eliminate dormancy fees for accounts and compensate account holders for any such fees that may have been charged.

We look forward to this uniform monthly payment system to benefit users of the BAT platform and contribute to publisher revenue, at a time when many are challenged to fund their creative efforts. Brave browser users will soon also be able to opt in to view private ads and receive 70% of the associated ad revenue. By rewarding users and creators while respecting privacy, BAT’s utility increases.

Note: The tokens for user grants and the referral program are released from the BAT User Growth Pool (UGP), which was created prior to the sale of the 1 billion tokens in May 2017. The UGP consists of 300 million tokens (plus reserves), set aside to give users an incentive to join the Brave platform. We anticipate distributing promotional BAT monthly to current and new Brave-verified publishers. The approximate 5 USD worth of promotional BAT was set at the time of this announcement. We will try to maintain the grants as close to 5 USD as possible, but some variation will occur.

Brave at Sourceforge

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Yksi tuttu youtube streemaaja sai muutaman satasen Brave selaimella annetuista palkkioista. Ihan ok tapa varmaan lahjoittaa rahaa niille joiden videoita tykkää katsoa.

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Otin testiin katsotaan miten käy

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Nyt voi saada rahaa jos vapaaehtoisesti katsoo mainokset Brave selaimella:

Brave Launches User Trials for Opt-In Ads That Reward Viewers

We’ve been busy building our new Basic Attention Token (BAT) platform, which includes a new consent-based digital advertising model that benefits users, publishers, and advertisers. Our first phase started last Fall with the integration of BAT into Brave Payments, and enabled users to anonymously distribute contributions to their favorite publishers and creators.

We’re now ready to start voluntary testing of our ad model before we scale to further user trials. Once we’re satisfied with the performance of the ad system, Brave ads will be shown directly in the browser in a private channel to users who consent to see them. When the Brave ad system becomes widely available, users will receive 70% of the gross ad revenue, while preserving their privacy.

In June, we’ll be doing opt-in tests with a select group of users to collect insight about the user experience. This test will serve to analyze user interactions with a new way to deliver ads. Around 250 pre-packaged ads will be rotated during this trial and users will be given a special version of the Brave browser loaded with those ads. This special Brave version is part of the test program only. It sends a detailed log of the browsing activity to Brave, which is used as algorithmic test data to check our on-device machine learning. Brave will not share this information, and users can leave this test at any time by switching off this feature or using a regular version of Brave (which never logs user browsing data to any server).
Later this month, we plan to run further studies with a larger set of users to improve user modeling and to integrate specific usage of the browser, with the primary goal of understanding how behavior in the browser impacts when to deliver ads. This will serve to strengthen existing modeling and data classification engines and to refine the system’s machine learning.
In a few months, we will start expanded user trials, with a focus on the impact of rewards in a user-centric ad system. Thousands of ads will be used in this phase, and users will be able to earn tokens for viewing and interacting with ads.

By moving matching from the ad exchange to the device, Brave ads merge innovation with privacy-by-design and put the user in control. Instead of sending and exposing user data to opaque third parties in cloud-based auctions, Brave’s approach enables a more efficient and direct opportunity to access user attention without the inherent liabilities and risks involved with large scale user data collection.

Brave pushes ad catalogs (one per region and natural language) to available devices on a recurring basis. Downloading a catalog does not identify any user. As the user browses, Brave locally matches the best available ad from the catalog to display that ad at the appropriate time. Brave ads are opt-in and consent-based (disabled by default), and engineered to operate without leaking the user’s personal data from their device.

We’re excited about unveiling this phase of our development, and about rolling out a system that properly values user attention. The current advertising model exploits users and has eroded trust, as well as net revenue to publishers and other creators. We will reward users for their attention while shielding their identities and protecting their privacy. We believe that user data and attention hold substantial value if they are defended vigilantly on users’ devices, and that the transparent Brave ads delivery approach and the Basic Attention Token will provide users a fair share.

If you’re interested in joining these trials, please contact our Early Access group via

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Ollut käytössä jo yli puoli vuotta. Ei yhtään tokenia vaikka asetukset päällä.
Niin mitä tästä muka kostuu?

Se ominaisuus on vasta tulossa. Juuri päivitettiin lähes tismalleen samanlaiseksi kuin chrome. Extension tukikib tulossa. Eli ei enää juuri mitään syytä käyttää Chromea.

Itse sain 30 BAT tokenia heti käyttöön kun latasin jonkun brave publisherin linkin kautta ohjelman.

Tuo että tokeneita saa mainosten katsomisesta on beta vaiheessa vielä.

Joo kyllä tuo on varmasti pikkuhiljaa tulossa suosituksi ja myös mobiiliversiokin on saatavana.

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