2013-11-21 / RT / Cyprus University world first to accept bitcoins for tuition


Dr. Christos Vlachos, the Nicosia University Chief Financial Officer, explained the digital currency introduction:

“We are acutely aware that digital currency is an inevitable technical development that will lead to significant innovation in online commerce, financial systems, international payments and remittances, and global economic development. Digital currency will create more efficient services and will serve as a mechanism for spreading financial services to under-banked regions of the world. In this light, we consider it appropriate that we implement digital currency as a method of payment across all our institutions in all cities and countries of our operations”.

Uutinen on mielestäni poliittisesti merkittävä. Kivijalka yliopisto ja Kypros jossa keväällä tehtiin “Bail-In” tyylinen pankkien pelastus.