2012-06-22 / Forbes.com / The Bitcoin Richest: Accumulating Large Balances


Matonikselta taas vahva perusartikkeli.
"Everyone is familiar with Forbes 400 as the definitive list to wealth in America. But few people know about the world’s up-and-coming bitcoin richest and what motivates them to accumulate and maintain large balances.

… What can we learn from this list? First, it demonstrates that a broad group of people are comfortable enough with the bitcoin crypto to exit the traditional banking system and leave significant value on the blockchain for extended periods. I can only guess that they must have a rigorous onsite and offsite backup process for retrieving the private key or perhaps they rely on Brainwallet for the utmost in mobility.

Also with the exception of the top three addresses, the wealth is evenly distributed as 8,000 BTC is the cut-off to make the top 100 list. Incidentally, this has remained consistent with a similar list computed in December 2011 in which the cut-off to make the list was 6,925 BTC."[/i]

Mistä ko. lista on saatu, eli voiko jostain selvittää kaikkien olemassa olevien Bitcoinien sijainti ?

Siihen on olemassa ilmeisesti työkalu, mutta ei mitään helppokäyttöistä nettityökalua tms.

Kaikki Bitcoin-siirrothan ovat kaikkien nähtävissä eli jokaisen bitcoinin sijainti on toki tiedossa. Niitä ei vaan näe mitenkään kovin helposti ellei tiedä mitä osoitetta on tutkimassa.

Tiettyjen osoitteiden balansseja voi kätevimmin tutkia täältä: http://blockchain.info/