NEM toimii pian alustana 2 milj. käyttäjän online pankille

Telegramista kopioitua : “Codtycoon”:

holy mother… this is nuts. im blown away… “Smart contracts can be used to manage information and agreements directly on a Mijin blockchain, with mathematically verifiable enforcement of all contracts. In the future, multiple Mijin blockchains will be able to have contracts with each other through the open NEM blockchain”

"Q4 100k tps on a geographically dispersed network… seriously? "

Tuohon edelliseen viestiin viitaten Lon Wong kertoi joskus taannoin salaperäisesti, että lähiaikoina NEM-ketjussa tulee tapahtumaan miljoonia siirtoja.

Jos avointa ketjua käytetään em. tavalla, niin se selittäisi tämän.

Uudessa konsortiossa “Blockchain Collaborative Consortium” näyttäisi olevan paljon NEM-
yhteistyökumppaneita ja Lon löytyy myös sieltä, jonka keksintö Fragonfly on.

“Under NEM’s japanese supporter’s advocation, BCCC was founded on April 25th, aiming at enhancing the development of blockchain technologies and share the benifits. From start, they have included 34 participating corporations, including Inforteria, Sakura Internet, and Microsoft JP. The collaboration of the industry will greatly strengthen NEM and her private chain Mijin’s foundation, the cooperating parties have provided tremendous opportunities for the blockchain solution to land and become the industry leader of Japan”


Konsortioon on liittynyt kahdeksan yritystä lisää. Yksi liittyjistä on Hitachi.

Nemspace ja Mosaic:

the rent from name spaces would go to the actual owner i would assume. no different to renting a dvd or a house or car. what renting would be used for im not entirely sure.

mosaics are quite interesting in that their use cases can vary hugely. one obvious example is company stocks but mosaics are built in a way that they can satisfy the needs of companies where other blockchain based assets may not. stocks can be subdivided into different types of the same stock, like common stock and stock that gives you voting rights for instance. not only this, but companies have subsidiaries and parent companies. with mosaics, a company could have a namespace like parentCompany.childCompanycommonStock, parentCompany.childCompanyvotingStock, parentCompanycommonStock, parentCompanyvotingStock. ( . denotes a “subdomain” of a namespace of sorts while * denotes the mosaic issued under that namespace)

a similar thing can be done for game design, where say you have an inventory of weapons. weapons can be sub-categorized like weapon.handHeld.stationaryAxe, weapon.handHeld.stationarysword, weapon.handHeld.mechanicalpistol, weapon.handHeld.incendiarygranade and so on and so forth. when writing software, each sub-category could be defined differently, like mechanical requires ammo, while handheld does not. incediary has a finite, generally low quanity, but does not need ammo. sub-categories could then inherit the characteristics of its parents which i assume would be easier with this type of categorization/layered approach. mosaics could also be used for in game currency under the same namespace as the weapons, so while you have save leagueOfLegends.weapons… you could have a high level mosaic leagueOfLegends*coinage, which if mijin do as they say they will, could then be redeemable for real nem via some kind of smart contract/business rule between the private chain and public chain.

to answer your question of how it would track something like game credit, or at least try, i recon each account, when created, could be designated an account. upon crediting your account with btc, xem, visa what ever, your account would be credited with x amount of leagueOfLegendscoinage mosaic. when you purchase say, a sword, from someone else, you would receive a weapon.handHeld.stationarysword mosaic while sending your coinage to the other players account. to track what a user owns, it would be a simple matter of retrieving mosaic information about the address linked to any given users account. theoretically, it could even make items/coinage interoperable across multiple games. say you have a car in dirt rally four. that particular car could be tracked by a mosaic. when dirt rally 5 comes out, they could have the same car upgraded in dirt rally 5 but tracked by the same mosaic in a different system. that car could then be easily transfered over to the new game and upgraded per the new games specs. not a clue if that would be viable or what ever, just throwing ideas out.

with some games having huge amounts of credit in play at any given time, as well as players having inventories with many valuable items, having a system that backs up all data in real time about who has what where and when etc etc in a distributed manner and in a way that is practically assured to see zero downtime, that is quite valuable to the owners of the site, as they would not need to be so worried about dealing with that stuff themselves if the system does it inherently. and likely at a much lower cost because you dont need to employ IT specialist to do the backing up and what ever else they would be doing. the user would be pretty much oblivious to how the company is running things under the cover. they likely wouldnt even notice the swap over. which after watching endless videos on blockchain tech is apparently the end goal - to enable a wide range of new innovations, without needing to expose the deeper levels of the tech to the end user. people use html all the time but most dont have a notion they are using it or what it is - mosaics, private and public chains may well end up hidden under the covers just like html the vast majority of the time, but still allowing insane innovations.

i think what ever is beneficial for one chain is also beneficial for the other too. because the chains are identical, its not that far fetched to think that one day they will be linked, sort of like side chains of each other perhaps? at which point you have two powerful networks that are interoperable. on the live chain mosaics could in theory be used as national currencies. a government wouldnt ever use a currency that is fixed in amount and totally out of their control. however if they have the ability to inflate and deflate the supply as they would with mosaics, its much more likely they would adopt that apposed to something like bitcoin which would leave them totally out of control. i tend to agree that countries should be allowed to inflate/deflate the money supply as it can help smaller less economically powerful countries more competitive in the global labor, import and export market. but it needs to be transparent, which is what mosaics would allow for, but a private chain likely wouldnt (i dnt think?)… there are probably endless use cases but i aint any kind of visionary so you’ll have to get input from someone else on that one. Smiley

moscaics/namespaces can also be used for things like tracking bank accounts/transactions just like how SBI bank did their test, which simulated 2.5m accounts using blockchain tech. not sure how that works under the covers buts its pretty impressive.

just like the internet in the old days, people didnt really know what it would be used for. yeah, some people had pretty good foresight to have an inkling of an idea of what it would look like but i very much doubt anyone foresaw fridges being hooked up, portable computers in everyone’s pockets and all the gazillion uses for the internet that exist today. mosaics may not fit that kind of profile on their own, but nem does when you combine everything.

Kuinka kauan te jaksatte näitä pumppeja ja dumppeja? Milloin on aika myydä ennen kuin palataan takaisin alle 100 satoshiin?

Holdailen itsekin mutta ollaanko jo huipulla vai rikkoontuuko 1000 satoshia?

Aion itse katsoa tämä loppuun asti:

2016 Q4

10k tx/sec within a private network.
100 tx/sec on geographically dispersed servers.

Tämä olisi pitänyt lähinnä olla keskustelun alussa, mutta…

Kaikki myyty, eiköhän ne huiput nähty.

Kaikki tyylillään…
Aina voi hankkia tarvittaessa lisää.

Voi olla, tuli itse hommattua lisää ~380:ssa, tappiolla en myy, mieluummin saa sulaa kaikki :wink:
Tai odotellaan nyt ainekin mobiilisovellus ja se “katapultti”.
Oon seuraillut myös yhden tilin toimintaa, suurin osa hommattu ~150:n hintaan, sopivasti ennen suurinta nousua, nyt innostunut haaliin vielä lisää.

Mitä hyötyä tuosta on NEM:lle?

Lukeminen on yllättävän tehokas tapa opiskella ; )

Luin englanniksi, mutta edes japanilainen crypto ystäväni ei osannut kertoa alkuperäisestä tekstistä. Joten valottaisitko vähän?

Kaikki mikä on eduksi Mijinille sataa lopuksi NEM-laariin. Mitä pidemälle Mijin pääsee siihen mennessä, kun se kytketään NEM-ketjuun, sitä suurempi on liikenne.

NEM-teknologia annettiin TB Corp. yhtiölle ilman korvausta em. syystä.

Ko. artikkelissa käsiteltiin ensimmäistä “e-commercial” tyyppistä, lohkoketjulla toteutettavaa palvelua.

Olen hankkinut myös Sakura Internetin ja SBI:n osakkeita. Tech Bureau ei ole vielä julkinen osakeyhtiö, mistä voisi ostaa osuuksia (of the record).

Ajattelin jättää tämän kertomatta, mutta menköön…

NEM/Mijin API on 100% sama. Mijin on maksullinen ja mitä tapahtuu, kun maksutonkin on saatavilla?

Ok uskotaan :slight_smile: Dumpattu silti. Jos näyttää siltä että lähtee nousemaan niin uskon että Bitcoineilla riittää ostettavaa vielä myöhemminkin tuosta 9 miljardista coinista :slight_smile:

Tiedätkö muuten mikä osa noista XEM coineista on niitä jotka kusetettiin alkuperäisiltä sijoittajilta ja jätettiin jakamatta ja mitä niille tapahtui ja miksi? Kuka ne omistaa.